Monday, March 9, 2009

Mardi Gras 2009

Mardi Gras 2009 has been over for several days, however, I am still feeling the effects of the two and a half week party. It was such a good time this year. My Mardi Gras started out with a very special guest...Olga The Traveling Bra. Although she was a few days late getting here, it was an honor to show her a good time for Mardi Gras. Being late meant Olga missed one of the biggest nights I had throughout the celebration, Osiris Ball. It was such a good time, I think we'll need a bus to transport everyone that wants to go next year!

GB and his 6 dates to Osiris 2009

Next up, Conde Explorers and Pharaoh's, the Saturday after Osiris. Even though it was a struggle, we are troopers and Mardi Gras does only happen once a year, (thank goodness)!

A week off proved to be just what I needed since the next Saturday turned out to be a fantastic day for Mardi Gras revelers! Four parades rolled through downtown Saturday, Mystics, Maids of Myrth, Butterfly Maidens, and Marry Mates. Of course our posse stayed for all four of the parades and then some...we've never been known as the group that goes home early!

GB is such the entertainer and poor Olga kept getting dragged around

Another few days of rest after the all day and night festivities of Saturday and it's time for The Mystic Stripers parade (one of my favorites). Our Thursday night celebration is a large time, even though there is work to be done early Friday morning...that's never stopped us before, so why stop now?

And still...there's Olga

After a pop up trip to Malbis, we finally made it home to get a nap and prepare for Friday night...Crewe of Columbus. We decide Friday will be an early night, watch the parade, wait out traffic, and then home, however, that's not quite how it went. After an unexpected visit from Captain Morgan himself, an impromtu dance off, and other surprise guests (the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny) what was supposed to be an early night turned out to be a night to remember.

We were supposed to be home...sleeping!

After the last 2 nights, Saturday was a struggle, but it was MOT Ball and I was not going to miss that. With GB as my date, we partied like rock stars, well rock stars that had aged a bit. Nonetheless, it was still a great time! We made it home at a reasonable time...only because Joe Cain Day was Sunday and we didn't want to miss that!

GB and I at MOT Ball

Sunday finally arrives, Joe Cain Day. I am so excited about this day because I have never gotten to participate in Joe Cain (due to my exhaustion rate at this point). The day starts out by going to Joe Cain's house where there is a huge party going on. Keep in mind it is early, 11:00am, but by the looks of this crowd it could be midnight. Joe Cain's widows arrive, and even though we could not see anything, it sounded like a good time was had by all!

Joe Cain 2009

As the day went on, so did the parades, the Joe Cain parade, Krewe de Bienville, and Les Fem Cassettes finished off a very long day. As the day went on, I started feeling a little under the weather, but I neglected my body and kept going...turns out I should have listened because Monday morning I was at the doctor diagnosed with bronchitis! Even though several of us ended up sick, probably due to overindulgence, Mardi Gras 2009 was a blast! I am already looking forward to 2010!


  1. PS - I still haven't figured out the editing!

  2. It's almost as if I were there. What a great re-cap of a great time!
